Hey! Welcome to my little universe!
Melanie, here.
After 20 years of making hippie and healthy recipes, I've learned something fundamental about myself. It's embarrassing. Lean in so I can whisper it to you. I'm completely ridiculous!
I want it ALL, which means this blog has a lot for YOU!
What gems you'll find on the blog
My fantasy recipe checklist:
- AFFORDABLE RECIPES - Actually, so cheap they're practically almost free.
- LAZY - I'm talking recipes that are so easy they almost make themselves.
- WHOLESOME - Wholesome somehow translates to sexy aesthetics. Bonus! Wholesome food is healthy.
- LOW-CALORIES HUGE FEASTS - Only high-volume foods fill me up! No skimmy small portions, please. Bonus! This goes hand-in-hand with sexy, healthy foods.
- INDULGENCES - After all these declarations of wholesome and low-calorie, I'm gonna have to make some non-wholesome indulgences. Indulgences harmonize my sanity.
- COMFORT FOOD - *speaks for itself.